
Ontario ( M - O )


St. Paul's United Church

Replacement of glass only


Sacred Heart of Mary R.C. Church

1989           1 light Joseph, Peregrine Prodigal Son

1992           1 light St. Theresa of the little flower



Knox Presbyterian Church

1926           Emblem windows



St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

1974           1 light Light of the World


United Church

1944           1 light Christ with Chalice

1944           1 light Light of the World

1988           Restoration of  two widnows


St. Stephen's Anglican Church

1988           Restoration of leaded glass window



Anglican Parish of March

1980           Christ teaching



Christ Anglican Church

1979           Palm Sunday

1959           2 light Christ Blessing Children

1957           2 light Boy Jesus in the  temple

1934           2 light Nativity and Easter Morn

1962           2 light Crucifixion

1959           2 light Baptism of Our Lord

1985           2 light Good Shepherd

1987           2 light Gethsemane


Annesley United Church

1975           1 light Light of the World



St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

1991           Repairs to leaded glass windows



Mansfield United Church

1992           Repairs of broken glass




St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

                   3 light Canopies bases Good Shepherd with sides Bible and burning bush

1954           3 light Come Unto Me

1926           Leaded glass for body of Church

1992           1 light Christ Blessing Children

1995           1 light Calling the disciples

1996           burning bush

2000           1 light Nativity

2000           1 light Gethsemane



St. Andrew's United Church

1968           1 light Light of the World



United Church

1964           3 light Christ the Sower with Emblem

1987           6 light Good Shepherd

                   2 light emblem



Mayfield United Church

1984           1 light Good Shepherd

1983           1 light Christ Blessing Children

1984           1 light Nativity

1984           1 light Baptism

1984           1 light Triumphal entry

1993           1 light Pentecost



United  Church

1950           1 light Good Shepherd

                   Single panel opening Nativity




Christ Anglican Church

1959           2 light Calling of the first disciples

1940           2 light Christ appearing to Mary

1939           3 light Crisaille window

1991           repairs to Good Shepherd



St. Andrew's Church

1952           3 light Christ Blessing Children

                        Sides burning bush and crown emblems



Knox Presbyterian Church

1962           3 light Christ Blessing Children

1961           1 light Call to discipleship

1926           Our Lord and wounded soldier


St. Mark's Anglican Church

1925            St. Mark

1936            Angel at Tomb

                   The Sower

1936            Christ teaching



St. Paul's United Church

1957           1 light Christ blessing a child

1955           1 light Christ the Sower

1949           1 light Christ with chalice

1948           1 light Light of the World

                   1 light Good Shepherd



1959           3 light Ascension

1947           8 windows Christ with chalice, good shepherd, the boy Christ, Come unto Me, Christ with orb, crucifixion, Light of the World, Christ teaching




St. Philip's Anglican Church

2001           1 light Baptism of the Ephiopian Church



Anglican Church

                   9 windows

                   1 diamond quarries

                        2 borders

                   2 small windows

1988           1 light Christ appearing to Mary



St. Mark's Anglican Church

1998           1 light Boy Christ in Carpenter Shop




St. Thomas Anglican Church

         Also St. John's, Ida, Ontario


1979           New inscription -  St. Thomas

1974           1 light Christ knocking at the door

1963           1 light St. Luke

1963           1 light Ruth

1992           Repairs to  6 windows

1993           releading and placement of lexan

1993           restoration of Rose window and lexan



Ebenezer United Church

1988           1 light Good Shepherd

                   1 light Light of the World



Grace Anglican Church

1973           1 light Resurrection

1969           1 light Christ teaching in the temple

                   Centre light of 3 light window

1973           1 light Gethsemane

1988           1 light Pentecost

1988            1 light Christ Blessing Children

2000           1 light Christ bearing the cross

                       1 light Christ appearing to Mary

                       2 light Good Shepherd and Peter

                       2 light Matthew and John

                       6 chancel windows (pairs of 2 lites)


Omagh Presbyterian Church

1981           1 light Woman at well with Jesus

1975           1 light Light of the World

1974           1 light Good Shepherd

1990           1 light Christ Blessing children


Knox Presbyterian Church

1954           3 light in nave  Christ blessing Children

1939           3 light Easter Morning

1932           3 light The Walk to Emmaus


Ontario Agricultural Museum

1980           Reglazing replacing broken glass with antique glass as well as etching top 3 panes on glass in 6 windows


St. Paul's United Church

1930           Supper at Emmaus

1957           2 light Calling of the first disciples

1918           David and Jonathan

1919           Great War Memorial ( 5 lites)


Zimmermen United Church

1957           1 light Christ Appearing to Mary



Burns Ptesbyterian Church

1937           Gothic leaded transom over front entrance

                   Oblongs 2 borders

                   Emblem Burning bush

                   Good Shepherd and St. John

                   Angel and soldier


Christ Anglican Church

                   3 light Good Shepherd and crown and chalice in side emblems



Christ Anglican Church

1956           3 light Supper at Emmaus

1968           2 light Christ preaching

1972           1 light triumphal entry into Jerusalem

1927           St. Peter

1926           2 windows Hope and St. James

1966           2 light Christ appearing to Mary in the garden

1964           1 light Christ teaching

1964           1 light Baptism of Christ

1956           3 light Christ blessing children

1938           The Sower

1927           St. John

1955           Remove windows from present church, alter to fit new openings

                   Buildings when completed

1956           Supply and install 8 panels, amber tinted cathedral glass


Wesley United Church

1980           1 light St. Luke

1976           1 light King David with harp

                   1 light Musical angels

1960           1 light St. Paul

                   1light St. John



Church of St. Francis of Assisi

1976           2 light Calling of the disciples

1975           1 light St. Francis of Assisi

                   1 light Christ preaching

                   1 light Christ blessing a child

1959           1 light emblem Lamb of God

1960           1 light emblem chalice

1984           3 light Christ the sower and Good Shepherd on sides, grapes and wheat in Centre light




St. Paul's Church

1949           1 light Light of the World



Clarkson Road Presbyterian Church

1964           2 light Presentation

1991           2 light Christ Blessing Children

                   2 l;ight Gethsemane

2 light Baptism

1992           2 light Visitation

2 light Christ and Centurion

2 light Christ Bearing the cross

2 light Ascension

1994           2 light Good Shepherd, Home at Bethany, Christ teaching in temple

2001           2 light Prodigal son

2001           2 light Healing, Carpenter Shop, nativity, Annunciation, Sower,

                   2 light Calling of the disciples


Church of St. Peter and St. Paul

1982           1 light Joseph

                   1 light St. Anthony


St. John's Anglican Church

                   All windows in oblongs of varied amber cathedral

1952           3 light Supper at Emmaus

1976           3 light Crucifixion

1958           3 light Easter Morn

1977           3 light Calling of the disciples

1977           St. John the Baptist

1979           Put in lexan for 1977 windows

1978           Sermon on the mount

1977           3 light Christ blessing children

1976           3 light Gethsemane

1970           3 light Nativity

1952           1 light Come Unto Me

1972           3 light Baptism of Church


 St. Joseph's School (Streetsville, Mississauga)

1997           1 light St. Joseph


St. Andrew's Presbyterian  Church

1982           2 light Crucifixion

1980           Christ blessing children

1887           2 light Easter Morn

1927           5 light with tracery

Angel and youth in armour, David and St. Andrew, left outer and right outer  medallion

1973           2 light Calling of the disciples

1960           2 light Nativity


St. Peter's Church Erindale

1980           2 light Nativity

1976           2 light Christ Healing

1950           2 light Supper At Emmaus

1980           2 light Good Samaritan

1990           2 light Calling Disciples

1994           Restoration to East Window

1994           transom window over door depicting Baptism


Cooksville United Church

1977           4 light Supper at Emmaus


Mr. William Gray

1986           2 light Window (floral design)

1987           6 only leaded panels


Mr. Umberto

1987           residential window


Mrs. Diane Petruska


1990           Cut 4 panels of glass


First United Church

1987           St. Luke

1988           1 light Good Shepherd with Children

1989           1 light St. James the Great with fishing net

1995           1 light St. Paul

1992           1 light St. Mark

1993           Redo inscription

1993           Restoration to Thomas window

1984           1 light St. Philip

1959           2 light Nativity

                   2 light Boy Christ in the temple

                   2 light Baptism

1965           2 light Crucifixion

1966           2 light Gethsemane

1983           3  1 light St. Andrew, St. John and St. Peter

1984           St. Jude

1979           Dorcas

1984           St. Matthew

1984           St. Thomas

1944           Good Shepherd

1966           2 light Sermon on the Mount

1973           3 light Christ sending forth the 12 with side emblems as design

1991           1 light Mary


St. Francis of Assisi Church

1989           1 light Life of St. Francis of Assisi

1989           1 light St. Francis

1990           two 1 light emblem windows


St. Francis of Assisi Anglican Church

2001           2 light Christ with sheep


Trinity Anglican Church

1967           two 6-light window



Trinity Church

1947           3 light Christ figure in centre and wheatsheaf and chalice emblem



St. Andrew's United Church

1956           2 light  Christ Blessing Children

1955           2 light Christ Healing the Sick

                   2 light Our Lord's Appearance to Mary

1940           The Light of the World

1962           2 light Arrival at Emmaus

1978           For Unto us a Child is Born



Anglican Church

1944           3 light Good Shepherd

1946           1 emblem window for nave


St. Paul's Church

                   3 light St. Paul in Centre, Shield of faith and anchor of hope

1944           6 medallion windows for nave

Virgin and child, baptism of our Lord, Sower, Light of the World, Christ with chalice and Christ the King

1945           Gothic shaped window



St. John's Church

1949           1st medallion figure of good Shepherd



Indian Mission School

1956           1 rectangular with banner

                   1 rectangular Cross

1937           Special sketches


St. Thomas Church

1960           1st Crest of the moosonee

1959           1 rectangular lamb with banner



Holy Name of R.C. Church

1987            Six 1 light emblem windows



Lakeshore Drive United Church

1969           1 light St. Cecilia

1950           New leaded grisaille panels for 5 bottom squares of large window on east side

1940           Gethsemane, Sower, Angel of the Resurrection

                   5 light tracery in west wall

1932           Faith

1931           timothy, youthful and in armour

1963           1 light ascension

1950           1 light Christ's charge to Peter



United Church

1967           1 light Christ the Sower

1978           Diamond

1978           When he comeh- diamond background

1977           Ascension



Mount Forest United Church

1990                     Restoration



United Church

1981                     Boy Jesus in Carpenter's Shop

1978                     1 light Gethsemane

1992                     1 light Light of the World




Trinity Anglican

1990                     1 light Ascension



All Saints' Church

1947                     1 circular window


St. James Roman Catholic

1980                     2 light Christ and John the Baptist

1978                     2 light Boy Jesus with animals and St. James

1987                     Addition to inscription



McKellar United Church

1961                     1 light medallion the Good Shepherd, the Sower and Boy Christ

1961                     1 light emblem the harp. Dove and this do in remembrance of me

1961                     1 lighjt emblem cross

                             1 light emblem The Lamb of God

1987                     Repairs to four windows




Christ Church

1961                     1 light Baptism of Christ

1961                     1 light Gethsemane

1961                     1 light Moses

1958                     1 light Chrsit the Sower

1935                     Our Lord teaching

1935                     2 end windows easter morn and nativity



Church of St. Mary Magdalene

1968                     1 light Christ the Sower

1934                     Christ Appearing to Mary

1931                     Light of the World

1924                     Luke-Faith

1927                     The Walk to Emmanus

1977                     1 light St. Francis of Assisi

1968                     1 light St. Cecilia

1987                     1 light Boy Christ in Carpenter's Shop

1990                     1 light Christ preaching


Trinity United Church

1931                     Angel of Resurrection

1995                     1 light Getbsemane



St. John's Anglican Church

1940                     3 light Chancel window

Medallion emblem cross, anchor, lamp, dove, chalice, font, the sower and Good Shepherd

1921                     3 light Christ with cup

                             Wheat and grapes



St. Peter's Evangeliscal Lutheran Church

1926                     Small emblems



United Church

1951                     1 light Light of the World


St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

1993                     Restoration one 2-light window

2001                     3 light Crosses and burning bush



United Church

1951           1 light Light of the World


St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

1993           Restoration one 2 -light window



St. Mary's Anglican Church

1960           1 light Christ Holding Child



St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

1976           1 light Abstract done and emblems


Trinity United Church

1982           Christ blessing children of all nation

1932           The Light of the World


St/ Paul's Anglican Church

1954           1 light Christ the Sower

1939            1 light Christ appearing to Mary

1936           Light of the World

1934           Our Lord with child in his arms

1929           Resurrection Angel

1999           1 light Marriage feast at Cama


St. John Chrysostom R. C. Church

1985           Repairs and restoration



United Church

1956           2 windows to match previous work

                   Amber tinted cathedral glass in oblong forms and 2 borders

1950           Supply and install wire guards for all windows on Yonge Street

                   Elevation and one for the new plain leaded window as follows-

                   Circular emblem widnow

Triple window beneath it, 1 vestibule window and 2 windows, 1 nave window  north


St. John's Convalescent Hospital

1952           6 windows to have heads changed and made good

1953           Alterations and installation of 2 angel leaded glass panel for chapel



Newton Robinson United Church

1979           2 light Christ teaching in the courtyard



St. Mark's Anglican Church

                   2 light Christ preaching from a boat

1926           Christ blessing Children

1951           2 light Circle above

                   St. Luke and Virgin mother and Infant Saviour



All Saints' Church

1942           Dorcas and Child

1942           Youth in Armour

1967           1 light Emblem Cross and lamb

1963           1 light Emblem Crown of glory

1963           1 light Baptism

1953           Removed damaged windows, Repairs and reinstall

1953           1 light Crucifixion

                   1 light Hope

1941           Light of the World

1965           1 light Plain window and using church's own emblems

1968           1 light emblem dove and chalice

1934           2 light Easter Morn

1929           Faith window

1944           St. Luke

1985           2 light musical symbols

1986           To fix lexan put in last year (1985)


St. Andrew's United Church

1978           Come Unto Me, 3 light

1960           Remove, store, renovalte and reinstall in new church 8 windows

                   1 light Angel and seated youth in armour

1947           1 light The call to service

1941           Light Colouring child in front of Christ figure in pale blue

1951           Christ the Light of the World 1 light

1984           Releading of Good Shepherd and Sir Galahad windows

1985           3 light Christ teaching in centre, left light emblem, ten commandments

                        And right light The Holy Bible

1991           Repairs to sir Galahad and Light of the World

1993           St. Luke, Matthew, Mark

1999           St. Paul, St. Peter, St. Andrew and St. Thomas


Morrison Street United Church

1977           1 light Gethsemane

1968           1 light King David with Harp

1958           1 light Christ in the Home of Mary and Martha

1958           1 light Good Shepherd

1953           1 light Holman Hunt's :Light of the world

1948           3 light St. Paul, come Unto Me, St. John

1948           3 light Nativity, Christ Blessing children, Resurrection Morn

1992           Removal of all windows in church


St Paul's English Evangelical Lutheran Church

                   20 single windows

1944           Nave windows Holman Hunt's Light of the World


St. Patrick's R.C. Church

1992           Replace 7 ventilators


Mount Carmel

1997           Restoration of 2 windows


Christ Church

1944           Timothy

1936           Baptism

1928           The Sower

1950           Dorcas and child

1938           St. Matthew and St. Luke

1934           St. John the Baptist

1928           St. John

1932           The Nativity



St. John's Anglican Church

1936           3 separate windows on South side of nave\ \

                        Light of the world, virgin and child and Resurrection angel

1934           Good Shepherd

1947           1 light Ruth

                   1 light Timothy


Church of the Annuniation

1988           1 light St. Michael

                   1 light Joseph

                   1 light St. Patrick

                   1 light St. Francis of Assisi

                   1 light St. Peter

                   1 light Assumption of Mary

                   1 light Mary Standing Beneath Cross

                   1 light Marriage Feast of Cana

                   1 light Finding in the Temple

                   1 light Presentation

                   1 light Nativity

                   1 light Visitation

                   1 light St. John the Baptist

                   1 light St. Bernadette

                   1 light Annunciation

                   1 light St. John

                   1 light St. Anne

                   2 light Emblem window

                   1 light Cross

                   Two 1 light emblem window by doors

                   1 light Theresa

                   1 light St. Paul



Oakland United Church

1984           1 light Art Nouveau window



St. Jude's Church

                   2 memorial windows for chancel depicting infant Saviour in the arms of Simeon and Christ with Chalice

1950           Repairs to windows

1942           2 light Christ appearing to Mary

1988           Repairs to window including aluminum frame

1997           Restoration


Appleby College

1980           Sermon on the Mount

1988           Repairs


St. Cuthbert's Anglican Church

1983           Placement of lexan

1986           Repairs

1990           Repairs to widnow

1991           Repairs


Knox Presbyterian Church

1966           1 light Christ Blessing Children'

1972           1 light Calling disciples

1946           John Knox as approved design

1963           1 light Christ preaching

1972           1 light Nativity

1974           1 light Solomon building the temple

1970           1 light Home at Bethany

1968           1 light Dorcas

1965           1 light Light of the world

1945           3 light on east side as special design

1985           1 light Supper at Emmaus

1986           Remove and relead St. Cecilia window and Jesus with woman at the well

1920           5 light Last Supper

1946           3 light Good Shepherd

1985           1 light When they passed through waters

1890           St. Cecilia

1890-1900           Christ with woman at well

1999           Christ healing



St. John's United Church

1956           1 light Come Unto Me

1950           General repairs to leaded windows and clear outer glass

1968           1 light Light of the World

1965           Repairs to window

1915           Resurrection


Cedar Grove Mission

1932           Leaded transom window

                        Oblong windows (mixed amber cathedral)


Walter Memorial United Church

1996           3 emblems and repairs


Viehuizen Construction Limited

1987           Diamond Leaded windows (8)


Mums United Church

2001           1 light Sower emblem window


Oakville Trafalgar Hospital

1994           4 seasons



St. Peter's Church

1924           One rectangular panel Dorcas 3 figures



Green Lawn Memorial Garden

1995           1 light 3 birds and 3 puppies

1996           Restoration of windows (straightening)

1996           2 light Floral design



Christ Anglican Church

1931           3 light Chancel window

1958           1 light Christ Blessing a child

                   4 windows in choir room


St. James Church

                   3 lights for chancel Diamond quarries of Cathedral


Cemetery Chapel - Lady Eaton

1928           3 light Resurrection figure



First Avenue United Church

                   Leaded windows in church


Tweedsmuir Memorial Church

1979           Fan light above door as design

1980           Light of the World


1979           Jesus Appearing to Mary

1979           2 single light emblem windows

                        Alpha, Omega and anchor of Hope

1959           4 only 1 light medallion Calvin, Knox, Go forth , Christ Blessing child

4 only 1 light emblem Calvin seal, lamp of knowledge, the wheatsheaf, seven branch candlestick

3 only 1 light emblem Harp of praise, the dove descending, Alpha & Omega on the Bible

1940           17 emblem tables of law, Bible, St. Paul, Moses, burning bush, font, Christ the Sower, Christ teaching, Good Shepherd, Anchor, Cross, this do in remembrance of me, light of the world, Angus Dei and burning bush



St. Mark's Anglican Church

1986           Narthex Tri-light

1989           Repairs to window and installation


Dufferin Area Hospital

1991           Pastoral window



St. Paul's United Church

1983           I am the Good Shepherd

1981           Christ healing

1971           two 1 light Antique panels for main doors

1959           1 light Boy Christ in the temple

1970           1 light Abstract

1969           1 light Nativity

1971           1 light Baptism

1979           1 light Crucifixion

1961           1 light Light of The World

1967           4 light Supper at Emmaus

1967           1 light Calling Disciples

1986           1 light Ascension


Soldiers Memorial Hospital

1654           1 window crest of the simcoe foresters

                   2 windows on either side of entrance


St. James Church

1982           2 light St. Cecilia

1954           New Inscription for previous window

1945           4 light transept window

1953           1 large west window over entrance sermon on the mount

                   2 light Christ with young soldier

                   The call to service with Joshua and St. Stephen on sides



Simcoe Street United Church

1962           1 light Light of the World and others like Nativity, Supper at Emmaus, 

                   Baptism and Christ Blessing a Child

1997           Restoration of the chapel Stained glass window



St. Mark's Anglican Church

1965           1 light Medallion Good Shepherd


Centre Street United


‘1954          2 med. Figure Christ with Chalice Resurrection


Christ Memorial Church

1979           Ascension

1977           Christ teaching

1977           St. Joseph

1973           1 light Dorcas

1964           1 light Christ Blessing Children

                   1 light Christ Healing a sick Child

1972           1 light Crucifixion

1965           1 light Annunciation

1965           1 light Nativity

1957           1 light Calling Disciples

1960           1 light Baptism

1968           1 light Supper At Emmaus

1961           1 light Motherhood


Northminster United Church

1979           3 light Solomon Building the Temple

1972           3  light Christ Blessing Children in Centre with roses of love and lilies of purity emblems

1988           fabrication of an inscription


Ukranian Presbyterian Church

1973           2 one light Windows for either side of Christ Blessing Children windows

1941           3 light Centre light Christ Blessing Child

1941           20 quarries windows in nave

1941`                   3 light Good shepherd in centre sheep in outside light


St. George's Church

1924           Easter Morning

1924           3 light The Presentation

1964           1 light emblem dove of peace

                   1 light emblem lamb of resurrections

1957           1 light St. Barnabas

1956           1 light St. George

1953           Altering single light window to fix  into 3 light opening

                        Add oblongs and 2 borders with mixed cathedral glasses

1949           1 light Luke

1987           Lexan and repairs


Young Women's Christian Association

1982           Placing of lexan on all windows


Eldad United Church

1987           1 light emblem widnow "hope"


Knox Presbyterian Church

1988           Fabrication of one inscription

1989           Farbrication of an inscription


Beth Zion Synagogue

1976           1 light Reuben


St. Joseph's Convent

                   2 Vestry windows to match chapel windows

              Emblems  The Chalice Descending Dove


St. Gregory the Great Anglican Church

                all the windows in the Church


St. Stephen's Untied Church

1993           2 light Good Shepherd window

1994           2 light Christ giving key to Peter

                        2 light The Angelus

1997           1 light St. Cecilia


Grace Lutheran Church

1994           1 light Creation window

1995           1 light New Testament window


Annabelle Stevensen

2000           1 Baseball player portrait



St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

1979           3 light Crucifixion

1976           3 light Light of the World

1974           3 light Boy Christ in the Carpenter's Shop

1955           windows for new church hall

1955           3 light Good Shepherd

1960           3 light Resurrection

1955           3 light Christ Blessing Children

1972           3 light Calling of the disciples

1973           3 light Nativity

                   Install 21 outer glass on end window behind organ(burning bush window)

1926           Repair broken windows



St. George's Church

1968           1 light St. George

1968           4 light Sermon on the Mount and tracery

1947           Make and insert new inscription for right hand panel of 2 light Christ among doctors

1940           Hope

1938           The Light of the World

1941           Christ among the doctors

1941           Christ and Timothy

1931           3 light Supper at Emmaus

1953           1 light Charity

1952           1 light Faith


Division Street United Church

1946           1 light Light of the World

1968           1 light Nativity

1975           1 light Good Shepherd

1968           1 light Christ Appearing to Mary in the Garden

1983           Supper at Emmaus

1989           1 light Presentation

1996           1 light Easter Morn

1995           Te Deum window


The Grey Bruce Regional Hospital

1987           1 light Creation

1987            1 light Emblem window with medical symbols



United Church

1981           Crucifixion

1953           1 light Christ the Good Shepherd

1975           1 light Medallion Supper at Emmaus

1962           1 light Medallion Christ with Child in Arms

1959           1 light Medallion Christ the Sower

1964           1 light Medallion Christ the King

1989           1 light Medallion I am the Resurrection and life



Christ Anglican Church

1951           2 light For Chancel position

1968           1 light Medallion Ruth

1956           1 light Medallion Resurrection

1952           2 light Come Unto Me and Sower

1952           Medallion window Jeremiah



St. John's Anglican Church

1954           1 light Christ Appearing Mary

1954           1 light Christ the Good Shepherd



St. George's Anglican Church

1930           Walk to Emmaus

                   Base - Supper At Emmaus


St. Alban's Church

1918           Mrs. McCullough 198 Coburg Street, Ottawa


Ashbury College

1952           War Memorial window "Sir Galahad"


Christ Church Anglican Cathedral

1932           4 single windows in sanctuary

Light of the World, Bread of life, Resurrection and the life  and I am the Good Shepherd


Dominion Chalmers United Church

1972           1 light Phoenix rising from the fire


Parkdale United Church

1966           five 1 light Christ Blessing children, emblems and texts


Rideau Park United Church

1980           Rose window

1979           3 light Sermon on the Mount

1981           3 light Resurrection

1984           3 light Christ blessing children

1990           3 light Christ healing the child

1990           3 light Nativity

1991           3 light Home at Bethany

1992           3 light Crucifixion

1992           3 light Baptism

1993           3 light Calling Disciples

1993           3 light Gethsemane

1997           3 light Boyhood of Christ


St. Matthew's Anglican Church

1935           Feeding the Multitude

1938           3 light The Resurrection


Trinity Anglican Church

1978           3 light Home at Beethany


Westboro United Church

1954           3 small emblem windows

1954           3 light Resurrection Christ with air force crest,

                               Left hand panel Sword of the spirit

                               Right hand panel   Torch of knowledge

1958           3 light windows for nave       Light of the world

                               Left light emblem world council of churches and

                               Right hand emblem anchor of hope

                         3 light Gethsemane

                              Left panel emblem      Crossed palms

                              /Right panel emblem   Crown of thorns

1927           3 light behind choir

                              Easter flowers

1955           2 emblem windows

                         Holy Bible

                         Crown of righteousness

1952           Tracery pieces for  two 3 -light nave windows

                         3 light Christ with communion cup

                         2 light St. Luke and Mary          for trancept

 3 light Good Shepherd in centre panel, Alpha and Omega on left and dove on right


St. Stephen's Presbyterian Church

1987           2 light Calling disciples

1991           2 light Resurrection

1992           2 light Good Samaritan

1998           2 light Christ healing


St. James Anglican Church

1992           Repairs to two leaded glass windows


St. Andrew's United Church

1964           2 light Solomon Building the Temple


Kingsway United Church

1954           Circle window Crown and passion flowers

1952           Ruby and amber tint squares

1964           5 light Christ Blessing a child with emblems Roses of Love and lilies of 

                   Purity and texts

1964           4 light window Home at Bethany

1963           1 light Christ Healing

1952           Circle window in chancel as design

1987           2 light Children playing at seashore

1987           feeding the multitude

1987           Roses and lilies

1989           Repairs to Rose and lilies

1990           4 light Calling disciples


St. Giles Presbyterian Church

1978           St. John Healing

1953           5 light Chancel Good Shepherd and sheep in 3 centre panels

                          St. Paul and St. John

1954           3 light Christ teaching

1975           3 light Home at Bethany

1975           3 light Good Shepherd

1966           5 light Christ Blessing Children

1962           3 light Sir Galahad

1960           3 light Gethsemane

1960           3 light Christ and two Marys

1958           3 lighg Cleretory, David with Harp and angels of praise

1956           3 light Light of the world

1956           3 light Christ on sea, St. Andrew and St. Michael

1985           3 light Christ Stilling the tempest

1993           Repairs to vandalism -Light of the World, Virgin Mary

1994           the Sower


St. Matthias Anglican Church

1975           2 light Finding Moses in the bulrushes


St. Luke's Anglican Church

1943           Resurrection

1942            The Light of the World

1994           St. Philip