
Toronto ( G - M )

Glebe Presbyterian Church

May 1946     3  lt. window and tracery behind choir

                    Our Lord with chalice "St. John and St. Paul"

                    Placement of Lexan ( 3 lt. window )


Glendale Memorial Gardens

3 lt. Matthew, 3 lt. Luke, 3 lt. John and 3 lt. Mark


Glenview Presbyterian Church

Feb 48     5 lt. Good Shepherd centre, Moses, Isaiah,     Andrew and Paul


Church of the Good Shepherd Anglican Church

Jan 1927      Simeon with child in arms

                     Christ in the temple

                     Repairs to baptistery window and one drapery  piece in Christ

                      Blessing children

                      1 lt. Christ appearing to Mary

                      2 side panels of chancel window, emblems font and cup

                       centre of 3 lt. Christ healing the sick child


Church of the Good Shepherd continued

Christ blessing children

Flight into Egypt

1 lt. Supper at Emmaus

1 lt. Emblem window 2 trumpets & 3 people in choir plain background

1 lt. Christ blessing children of all nations


Grace Church on the Hill

Nov 1938    3 lt. Christ healing

                  2 lt. Pentecost

                  Repairs to blessing children

1919           Four windows in Ambulatory

                   Seven angel panels for baptistery

                   The Resurrection

Aug 1943     3 lt. Supper at Emmaus

                   1 lt. Light of the World

                  1 lt. Boy Christ in Carpenter's shop

                  Christ blessing children

May 1921    Anointing of David

Oct 1919     The four evangelists

Nov 1919     Raphael

Nov 1918    The Crucifixion


Grant AME Church

Remove windows and put in glass

Grace United Church

2 lt. Window in ladies parlor

Christ appearing to Mary

Gray Coach Bus Terminal



Havergal College

4 lt. Clear D.D.


Miss J. Heide

Private Home windows


High Park Alhambra United Church

Remove 5 lt. and tracery from chancel in Alhambra United Church and

Make over into 7 lt. window using upper tracery sections for the 2 additional lights incorporating existing inscriptions and reinstalling complete in new location in High Park United Church

July 1941    5 lt. Christ in majesty and four evangelists

High Park Baptist

Restore 3 windows with tracery

Repair nave windows

Repairs to ladies bathroom

Restoration on windows

Hillcrest Church of Christ

5 lt. Da Vinci's Lat Supper

Completion of 5 lt. Gallery window             

Good Shepherd

Centre of 5 lt. window facing Bathurst Street


Holy Trinity Church

2 only leaded panels in amber cathedral glass

Repairs to 1  4 lt. window


Hope United Church

3 lt. Pastoral scene Beside still waters

3 lt. Christ blessing children

3 lt. Come Unto Me

Repairs to Gallery windows


Hospital for Sick Children

4 panels for Rotunder

3 lt. Christ blessing children


Howard Park United Church

1 lt. Light of the world

3 lt. Christ teaching

April 1946  3 light Christ healing the sick

                 Christ blessing children

                 Remove light of the world and Good Shepherd

                 North Parkdale United Church and install in


Emmanuel United Church

               6 lt. The Last supper


                 Repair broken section of pathfinder window

                 Pathfinder centre panel of 3 lt. window in nave

                 2 light  Christ blessing children

                 1 light St. Paul

                  Large window for south transept

                  Lower panels - Da Vinci's last supper

                 2 outer panels of 3 lt. window centre Pathfinder, Right Boy Christ in carpenter's shop and left Boy Christ in the temple

                 3 lt. for nave  Call to discipleship

                4 panel window Nativity

                North transept -Sermon on the Mount


Humbercrest United Church

5 lt. Resurrection


Humberside Collegiate

Remove large 9 lt. War Memorial window

Restore, store until approx. 2 years and reinstall in new location

1925     War memorial window "Sir Galahad"


Islington United Church

3 lt. Window for Chancel wall of chapel

6 windows Simple background with floral emblems and texts a special design

1 lt. St. Paul

1 lg. St. Stephen

5 lt. The Supper at Emmaus

Jan 1949  1 lt. St. John

2 lt. Doras

Make temporary repairs to broken section in one of the chapel windows

2 lt. Christ and centurion

three 2 -lt. Moses striking the rock, Joshua named as Moses Successor, David and his three mighty men

1 lt. John Knox

1 lt. Luther

Repairs to windows

Repairs to ventilators

2008    Choir and instruments

2009    Colored section for top of Choir and instrument window


Kilvington Bros, Ltd. Monuments


Make up 1 lt. window as design

Kingsway Lambton United Church

Christ washing the disciples' feet

Good Shepherd

Christ blessing children

2 lt. Abstract with tracery section

St. Cecilia and angels

3 lt. Nativity

2 lt. Gethsemane

Repairs, leaded glass


Christ healing

2 lt. the Baptism


Kingsway Baptist Church

Replace 12 broken windows

Repair basement windows

Leaded glass for basement and Sunday school oblongs of amber Cathedral

Repair glass in 2 lamp standards at entrance of church


The Knights of Columbus

Virgin Mary   window will be artificially lit


Knox Presbyterian Church

Christ blessing a child

 Light of the World

1 lt. Boy Christ in carpenter shop

3 lt. Ascension

Re-leading windows

Jan 1936      2 lt. Christ blessing Children

2 lt. Mary and other Mary

Restoration of 9 lt. Narthex window in Gallery

Repairs to nave windows

Repairs to 2 nave windows  (S.E. corner of church)

Re-lead of 3 lt. window


Leaside Presbyterian Church

Resurrection lamb

3 lt. Burning bush window


Loretto Abbey

June 1980        Repairs to window

Abstract resurrection

Parlour door and screens, door, vestibule, side panels for door


Leaside United Church


2 lt. Christ Blessing Children

1 lt. Good Shepherd

Come Unto Me

1 lt. Good Samaritan

1 lt. Nativity

1 lt. Coming of the wise men

1 lt. Crucifixion

1 lt. Angel of Resurrection

1 lt. Christ stilling the tempest

1 lt. Christ in the carpenter shop

1 lt. Christ teaching

1 lt. Christ healing

1 lt. Gethsemane

1 lt. Baptism of our Lord

1 lt. Boy Christ in the temple

1 lt. David

2 lt. Christ the Sower and 2 lt. Ruth


Manor Road United Church

Christ and the rich ruler


Home at Bethany


Supper at Emmaus

Blessing children

1 lt. Good Shepherd

Light of the World

Alpha and Omega at top of window

1 lt. Resurrection

The stilling of the tempest

Christ at the carpenter's shop


McTintosh Granite Co. Ltd.

Oct 1947          1 lt. Angel o Hope


Melville Presbyterian Church

2 lt. Scene with trees and flower

Metropolitan United Church

3 lt. Come Unto Me

1904    3 lt. Supper at Emmaus

5 lt. Conversation of Saul

Repair damage to feeding of the five thousand window

3 lt. Christ appearing to Mary

3 lt. Adoration of the Magi

Repair centre window on west side damaged by break in one of their  Windows

 Sermon on the Mount

Christ healing the sick

First miracle

Christ in majesty


Christ among the doctors

 David and his mighty men

 Repair to inscription

Re-lead quatre foil nathex window


Christ of the Messiah

1499  2 light Christ among the doctors

2 windows 3 lt. war memorial Joshua with Captain of the Lord's host

Christ walking on sea

St. Michael

3 lt. Isaiah and angel, Christ teaching in Synagogue

St. Paul and Man from Macedonia

Re-glaze top section of window as instructed by Construction

2 lt. Calling of the disciples

April 49   1 lt. Christ in the carpenter's shop at Nazareth

3 lt. transfiguration

Oct 1935            Blessing children

Nov 49    Baptism

3 lt. Crucifixion

May 1927   The Good Shepherd

Feb 1941    Wise men from the east

Mar 1930    2 lt. the presentation

2 lt. the Nativity


Metropolitan Toronto Zoo

1983 Repair all broken panes at Valley Halla


Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre

2003            1 lt. Moses


Morningside High Park (Royce)Presbyterian Church

Home at Bethany and tracery

1 lt. Eunice including 2 tracery pieces

1 lt. Natael and 2 upper tracery pieces

3 lt. Christ blessing children

3 lt. Christ teaching

3 lt. Good Shepherd with St. Andrew's Cross and burning bush

3 lt. Christ appearing to Mary in the Garden

3 lt. Last supper

3 lt. Nativity

3 lt. Light of the World

Make and install 2 lt. leaded amber cathedral window in High Park Presbyterian Church

2  lt. Christ appearing to Mary


Mount Pleasant Mausoleum

2 lt. Easter Morning - angel and women at tomb

Base -Christ appearing to Mary, on the road to Emmaus

Supply and install clear polished wired glass on 7 windows, including

Any minor repairs

Faith window

1923    Be thou faithful

Nov 1947    Gabriel with trumpet

Dec 1923     Be thou faithful unto death

1919 The angel at the tom

        The light of the world

        Colour (clear or amber) glass

2009  Repairs to St. Peter and Christ in Stormy Sea